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Sel Pin

Senior Vice President

Data Strategy Group

Sel Pin

Sel Pin is a Senior Team Lead at GIC’s Data Platform Engineering team and has been with the firm since 2006. Her responsibilities are to support and help GIC deliver strategic goals and projects, develop her team members, and keep the lights on to ensure smooth daily operations for the people using the data platforms for their work.

Why did you decide to join GIC?

I had met up with my ex-colleagues who had joined GIC then, and they shared their work experiences with me. At that time, I was looking to expand my technical knowledge in the financial domain. The GIC technology department was expanding during that period, and they were also interested in exploring new technologies, so it was a perfect match!

What does your typical workday look like?

My day usually begins with a quick alignment with the track leads to understand the immediate issues that must be addressed. This is frequently followed by in-depth discussions with smaller working groups to find solutions to some of our most pressing issues. The team would frequently unwind over a cup of coffee from our GIC café, which provides a cosy, comfortable environment for us to talk about work and our personal lives.

What do you like most about working here?

Working with the people in GIC. Most of my coworkers have been generous in sharing their knowledge. It was a joy working with them to deliver results.

GIC has initiated many diversity and inclusion awareness sessions and webinars, and it has always strongly encouraged all employees to participate. For example, in honor of International Women’s Day, GIC organised a series of events to raise awareness about bias and stereotypes. Knowing that my organisation actively incorporates diversity and inclusion as part of its DNA reassures and strengthens my psychological safety while performing my duties.

How would you describe the learning & development culture at GIC?

GIC has been providing each employee with training funds to attend our preferred courses and obtain certifications. In addition, we are given opportunities to take on various roles available here, and this further enriches our on-the-job experiences.

What you should know before joining GIC

Help is always available. All you need to do is to ask.