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Assistant Vice President

Public Equities​


Cheryl is an Associate in GIC’s Public Equities department and a recipient of the GIC Scholarship. She conducts research on the companies we invest in, by doing in-depth analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, on the industry and competitors.

Outside of work, she’s active in sports and was previously the Sports Captain for the Singapore Society at the London School of Economics (LSE), where she organised inter-school matches and worked with people from different backgrounds. Cheryl is now in her second year with the firm, and recently shared with us about her life at GIC and how it all began.

Why did you decide to join GIC?

I was really hoping to get the GIC Scholarship as it was the only one that offered a career in investments. I was first introduced to GIC when I was in junior college during a class visit to the office for an introductory session on the company and its role. After speaking to some seniors who were working in the company, as well as others working in other asset management firms, I realised that GIC has a good global reputation in asset management, and a healthy working culture with seniors who are very willing to teach younger team members.

What does your typical workday look like?

Most of my days are spent on qualitative and quantitative research. This includes building financial models, reading research reports, and speaking with financial analysts. I even get to speak with the management teams of companies.

What do you like most about working here?

I can confidently say that GIC is one of the best places to start a career in investing. Even as a junior, I am given many opportunities and responsibilities like leading meetings with sell-side analysts or the management teams of companies. Seniors here are also very willing mentors to juniors and it’s very easy to ask questions and learn from their experience. I’m also encouraged to have my own views on companies, even if they’re not completely aligned with the views of seniors in the team.

How would you describe the learning & development culture at GIC?

One benefit of working in a large organisation like GIC is the broad range of opportunities available. Our departments cover most asset classes and the graduate programme provides structured training. We also get a chance to rotate between the different departments, which allows us to work with and learn from various groups of people. 

My education has given me a good understanding of basic market mechanisms, valuation methodologies, and a strong foundation in financial knowledge that I can then adapt into the various situations I come across at work. I really enjoyed studying Behavioural Finance at school, and this is something that I try to apply in my work within Public Equities. It’s interesting to learn about the different ways market participants make decisions and how they tend to show irrational behaviour based on inherent character traits or biases.   

What you should know before joining GIC

GIC is probably one of the best places to start your career if you are interested in investments. You will constantly be challenged, while being given the opportunity to learn extensively from seniors. You have to work well within a team, be a self-starter, a quick learner, and have a passion for investing.