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Senior Vice President

Total Portfolio Solutions


Ryan is the Head of Beta & Asset Rebalancing at GIC’s Total Portfolio Solutions department (TPS) and he’s been with us for about 17 years. His team runs the equity and commodity beta for GIC which entails managing against an index and adding incremental value to overcome implementation costs. His team also helps manage and coordinate the total portfolio rebalancing between asset classes for the firm.

Outside the office, Ryan is a dedicated family man and avid supporter of his kids’ footballing interests.

Why did you decide to join GIC?

GIC was first mentioned to me by a man in a bookstore in Clementi. This was in the early 2000s, and I was buying an economics textbook when the customer behind me in line noticed it. He struck up a conversation with me about the textbook. He mentioned that I should consider GIC when I graduated, and he also said he worked there. So I went to find out what GIC was all about, but at that time, I had no strong opinions on what working there would be like because I still had a few years left on my university course.

After graduating a few years later in 2005, I was interviewing for a couple of investment banking-related jobs when a relative suggested that I look into GIC as well. After speaking with a few people, I decided it was worth a shot to apply for a job there because GIC was well-regarded, and the fact that it’s our sovereign wealth fund also appealed to me.

What does your typical workday look like?

I would alternate between dropping the kids off at school with my wife and cycling in to the office to get some exercise before starting work. Once I arrive, I’ll look through all the portfolios that we manage to ensure that the positioning and risks are within expectations, especially if we have traded the day before. I would also look through to see what upcoming events may have an impact on our portfolios and require adjustments to be made, such as index change events, rebalancing, etc.

If there is time, I would try to have lunch with colleagues in our department or with other teams, but if there are pressing matters to attend to, I would usually eat at my desk. After work, I would typically send my kids for football training with my wife. On non-training days, my wife and I would go for short runs or walk around the mall next door to our house after dinner.

What do you like most about working here?

I am fortunate to work with good people at GIC. I also like the fact that the work we do here benefits Singapore, which gives us a greater sense of purpose for doing what we do.

I believe GIC takes a good approach to diversity and inclusion because we appear to walk the talk. I am especially encouraged by our initiative to provide opportunities to people with disabilities, which I believe is a good example for other corporations too.

How would you describe the learning & development culture at GIC?

The ability to manage sizeable portfolios, as well as the experience gained in handling various risk, market, and operational nuances, is something I have developed here and am grateful for. The opportunities to interact with various investment and corporate service teams have also shown me how collective effort and teamwork can get things done effectively.

Over the course of my career, I’ve also had the benefit of having good colleagues, both within my team and in other teams, who have provided solid advice, encouragement, and opportunities to work in activities that span across the firm.

What you should know before joining GIC

Given the proliferation of information on the internet today, I would advise doing more in-depth research on what GIC does, as well as reading widely on various themes/topics relevant in the financial markets. Maintain an open mind and remain humble, as attitude and work ethic are important.