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Senior Vice President



Liling holds the position of Senior Vice President in the Infrastructure Department. She leads the team that invests in infrastructure funds and co-investments globally. Liling first joined GIC in 2010 through the GIC Professionals Programme in the Singapore Office and has been an integral part of the organisation ever since. 

Outside of work, her calendar is mostly filled with kids’ parties and playdates.  

Why did you decide to join GIC?

When I first came across GIC, I was struck by its prominence and size. I recall accepting the offer to join the organisation via the GIC Professionals Programme, which gave me the opportunity to rotate through multiple departments and gain insights into various asset classes and strategies. The exposure to different departments provided me with a comprehensive learning experience and helped me determine what type of work I enjoyed most. 

What does your typical workday look like?

My role is mostly external facing. I spend a lot of my time meeting and speaking to fund managers globally, going through their portfolio and pipeline, understanding how they think and drive value, exchanging ideas and finding opportunities to work on and invest in together. One day I could be evaluating a renewable energy platform in India, the next day subsea fibre cables across the Pacific, and the next day a waste management business in Europe. It is all quite exciting! 

What do you like most about working here?

Being part of a diverse team of intelligent, driven, honest, good people. I also really enjoy and still marvel at the level of access that comes with the “” domain.

How would you describe the learning & development culture at GIC?

Over the years, I have had the privilege of working in various departments and countries. GIC has been incredibly supportive of my development, which has enabled me to grow and amass great experiences both personally and professionally.

What you should know before joining GIC

Strive to always give your best, be a good team player, have an interest in the world around you, and have opinions.